Concepting a Reusable Package Design

Of Course is an idea for a modern twist on the lunch box, providing a method of transporting leftovers that any adult would be proud to carry into the office.


How could I level up the aesthetic and function of a lunchbox while implementing reusable packaging and a not-too-serious tone?


Based on briefcase design, this reusable package allows for an environmentally-friendly and sleek packing alternative. The illustration is meant to reframe the lunch experience as a simple, playful, re-energizing, creative break to the work day so “dining in” can be cool again.

My RolE

  • imagined and designed the product concept and packaging

  • illustrated the line art and layout

  • hand-crafted the straps from faux leather

  • inkjet printed the package patterns

  • constructed the prototype


Envisioning Packaging