
Customizing BBBS’s new Website Template

A local engine of positivity, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Washington County develops enduring relationships among community members of all ages. In contrast, their website had run its course, no longer reflecting their values of increasing accessibility, fostering joy and operating transparently.


How could we simplify navigation for front-end users to increase volunteer and event signups, as well as clarify the website’s back end to empower any staff member to update the website?


My Role / TEAM

After being approached for the project by the organization’s CEO, I inquired about her vision of a functional new site and presented 3 template mockups from different website platforms. After the client selected the best option for their goals, I gathered more information from the entire team and confirmed that the primary project needs included:

  • a template that is easily editable by staff inexperienced with website frameworks and provides virtual and forum support.

  • increasing website traffic and engagement by increasing:

    • volunteer applications

    • event registration

    • community sponsorships

  • integration with external applications/plugins including form population for Google Drive and MatchForce


Illustrating Campaign Imagery


Branding an App